
Event list

Private Access

June 06, 2017

Fooevents Vip Scaled

This is a standard single-day event that uses FooEvents for WooCommerce to capture attendee information and send the attendee a ticket confirmation email.

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Sport Fixture

October 14, 2018 - October 14, 2018

Fooevents School Event Scaled E1712583045351

This is an example of a single-day event. Each attendee’s details are captured at checkout. Once checkout has been completed, each attendee will receive a confirmation/ticket email as well as a PDF ticket. Access to the event can then be managed at the event using the FooEvents Check-ins apps. Tickets can also be sold at the event using the FooEvents Point of Sale plugin.

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Event with custom attendee fields

November 30, 2018

Fooevents Conf 651462157 Scaled E1712579617940

This demo uses the FooEvents Custom Attendee Fields plugin to capture additional attendee information at checkout. Book a demo ticket and go through to the checkout screen to view the custom attendee fields.

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Event with ticket blocks/groups

June 11, 2020

Table Seating Scaled E1669729058972

This example illustrates how FooEvents can be used to sell groups of tickets. This is useful when selling grouped tables or group discounts. Tickets can be grouped on an individual or variation level. Please note this example makes use of the WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin which can be purchased separately from the WooCommerce marketplace. This event can be configured to send tickets to each separate attendee or the purchaser only.

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Film Screening

July 13, 2022

693103318 E1669729055360

This example adds graphic seating selection for each attendee to the checkout page. The ability to select attendee seating is provided by the FooEvents Seating extension. The 'Ticket Type' options are created using WooCommerce Variations.

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Flea Market (Free)

July 21, 2022

Fooevents Food Market E1712579641973

This is an example of a free single-day event that uses FooEvents for WooCommerce to capture attendee information and send the attendee a ticket confirmation email.

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July 23, 2022

Fooevents Concert Scaled E1669729054738

This is an example of a single-day event that offers 3 different ticket types. Each attendee's details are be captured at checkout. Once checkout has been completed, each attendee will receive a confirmation/ticket email as well as a PDF ticket. Access to the event can then be managed at the event using the FooEvents Check-ins apps. Tickets can also be sold at the event using the FooEvents Point of Sale plugin. For detailed instructions on how to set up a standard event such as this, follow this Use Case Tutorial. This example uses a code snippet to replace the standard WooCommerce variations form with a variations table. This is suitable for both Single and Multi-day events that use WooCommerce variations. The variations table code snippet is not compatible with the FooEvents Seating and FooEvents Bookings product page selectors.

Purchase Ticket

Meetup (Free)

July 27, 2022

Fooevents Meetup Scaled

This is an example of a free single-day event that uses FooEvents for WooCommerce to capture attendee information and send the attendee a ticket confirmation email. Free events can also be used for RSVP and Waitlist use cases.

Attend Meetup


July 31, 2022

Fooevents Conf Scaled E1712579660315

This is an example of a single-day event that offers 4 different ticket types. Each attendee's details and preferences will be captured at checkout. Once checkout has been completed, each attendee will receive a confirmation/ticket email as well as a PDF ticket. Attendee registration can then be managed at the event using the FooEvents Check-ins apps. For detailed instructions on how to set up a standard event such as this, follow this Use Case Tutorial. This example uses a code snippet to replace the standard WooCommerce variations form with a variations table. This is suitable for both Single and Multi-day events that use WooCommerce variations. The variations table code snippet is not compatible with the FooEvents Seating and FooEvents Bookings product page selectors.

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Room 1 - Master SEO - Conference with Bookable Workshops

July 31, 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


The ‘Ticket Type’ option is created using WooCommerce variations and the workshop booking options are created using the FooEvents Bookings extension. For detailed instructions on how to set up a bookable event such as this, follow this Use Case Tutorial.

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